IES -Engineering Hardware for Marine Cloud Brightening’

26th April 2022 6:30 pm

We have an excellent evening planned for you!

Firstly, Stephen Salter will talk about ‘Engineering Hardware for Marine Cloud Brightening’ his idea to help with the current climate problem. Then we will have an open discussion with Stephen, Gordon Masterton, Andy Pearson and Dick Philbrick. We look forward to your questions and input during this part of the evening

Engineering Hardware for Marine Cloud Brightening

The climate problem is that the earth is retaining about 1.7 watts of solar input per square metre too much. The mean 24-hour solar input is 340 watts per square metre so the present temperature problem would be solved if the earth’s reflectivity could be increased by ‘only’ 0.5%. In 1979 John Latham suggested that world temperature rise could be cancelled by spraying very small quantities of sea water as sub-micron drops.

Stephen Salter served an old-fashioned apprenticeship, initially as an aircraft fitter, at Saunders Roe working on the SR177, Hovercraft and Black Knight. After a degree and research at Cambridge he moved to Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh to build robot hardware and then to Engineering to work on wave energy, wave tanks and clearance of anti-personnel mines. His present interest is reversing climate change.

Andy Pearson is the current IES President and Director of Star Refrigeration

Gordon Masterton is a Past President of IES and ICE, he is the current Chair of the Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame and the Chair of Future Infrastructure at the University of Edinburgh

Dick Philbrick is IES Vice President and founder of Clansman Dynamics

A recording is available, please register via Eventbrite, a link will be sent once registered

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