IES - Breakfast Briefing - Successful Innovation

2nd November 2022 8:00 am

Breakfast Briefing Series

Successful Innovation - In partnership with the Institution of Engineers in Scotland

Please join us on Wednesday 2 November 0800-0830 for our next ‘Breakfast Briefing’ webinar, hosted on MS Teams. Hear from Optos founder Douglas Anderson, as he describes why and how he led Optos to develop it’s ground breaking Retinal Scanner, the foundation of a highly successful company proud to be recognised as a leading provider of devices to eye care professionals to provide a more complete approach to patient care.

Douglas will also be joined for a short update from Optos CTO, Derek Swan, describing ‘how do you keep the pipeline of innovation running from such a strong start.’

In 2012, Douglas was the first living inductee to the Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame, and in 2016 wrote a paper for the IES Journal: The Optos story How to manage ambitious healthcare projects starting with no clinical or academic links, no staff and no money

Please click the link below to register- we hope to see you there!

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