IES and IMarEST Joint Meeting - The Future of Fabrication within (and beyond) Scotland
16th January 2024 6:30 pm
Chris Dunn, Managing Director and Jonathan Brown, Technical Director, both of Malin Marine Consultants, will be shining a spotlight on to the future of fabrication within (and beyond) Scotland. With high fabrication expectations surrounding the offshore renewables sector, teamed with the already sizeable defence, oil and gas, and nuclear needs, the clear mismatch between supply and demand with regards the extant infrastructure will be investigated. Jonathan will be drawing on his recent white paper in this area, before turning attention to the planned Scottish Marine Technology Park which aims to play a part in the need to expand and improve the current facilities open to industry. This will be followed by a consideration of new means and methods, beyond infrastructure alone. Here Chris Dunn, who successfully led in the delivery of MariLight, alongside partners NMIS, Lloyds Register, Altair Engineering and BAE Systems, will discuss additive manufacturing, lightweighting and the potential new technologies have not only in reducing costs and materials, but also in reimagining design principles and supporting circular economies as we move forward. We look forward to seeing you there!
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