Category in News
Scottish Government urged to review infrastructure
17 February 2021
Following the publication of the Scottish Government’s Infrastructure Investment Plan and Capital Spending Review, ICE Scotland has called for an urgent review of the country’s infrastructure to ensure it is fit for purpose.
WES Launches 2021 WE50 Awards
16 February 2021
The Women’s Engineering Society (WES) has launched the 2021 Top 50 Women in Engineering Awards. Once again, the competition will follow a public nominations process from which the top 50 will be selected.
How printed human organs will speed up future drug development
13 February 2021
Drug development takes a long time, most of which is taken up by testing.
HES - Exhibition traditional shops
11 February 2021
Traditional shops add colour and character to Scotland's towns and cities. Explore Scotland's historic shops and the people who worked in them in this online exhibition.
please follow the link - exhibition link
The Institution of Civil Engineers Scotland Museum
10 February 2021
The Institution of Civil Engineers Scotland Museum is home to a collection of over 500 items relating to civil engineering many of which have strong local connections including a number of items relating to the Forth Bridges.
Portwey - The History of a West Country Steam Tug
09 February 2021
The history of Portwey, this survivor from a bygone age, is fascinating as well intriguing.
George Parsonage – the last of the Clyde Rivermen
28 April 2020
Hammermen of Glasgow Ex Deacons John McKnight and Colin Botfield
recently visited George Parsonage of the Glasgow Humane Society
Lifeboats to thank him for over 60 years of service saving lives on
the River Clyde.