Past Events
Has Covid made our buildings less healthy? - limitations of building ventilation as a preventative measure.
11th February 2025 6:30 pm
Joint Lecture with CIBSE
What is the legacy of preventative measures introduced during Covid?
This lecture will look at the longterm effects particularly with more hybrid working and lower occupancy rates. Chris will…
Wind turbines – an anchorage too far? The role of floating wind turbines meeting future net-zero commitments
14th January 2025 6:30 pm
Joint meeting with IMarEST
Atilla will describe how clean energy is generated from offshore wind turbines; the challenges in their design, installation, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning; discuss whether the turbines…
RRS Discovery – Repair and restoration
9th December 2024 6:30 pm
Joint meeting with RINA
Presented by Mr Ali Gellatly, Ship and Facilities Director, Dundee Heritage Trust
At 123 years old, the Royal Research Ship Discovery is currently undergoing a significant conservation…
IES - Members' visit to Whitelee Windfarm
30th November 2024 11:30 am
11.30 –guided bus tour of the site.
Whitelee is the largest onshore windfarm in the UK. There are currently 215 turbines and a battery storage facility which is now the largest windfarm battery…
Safety Leadership - a moral and ethical imperative
19th November 2024 6:30 pm
Dame Judith Hackitt DBE will discuss a number of serious accidents, lessons learned and the need for a safety culture driven by doing the right thing rather than slavish rule following
Dame Judith has a passion for engineering…
IES - Members' visit to Howden's facility in Glasgow
18th November 2024 5:00 pm
The visit will be free to members and members’ guests
For over 160 years, Howden has been at the forefront of developing engineered solutions for the needs of industrial processes. Today our technology and worldwide engineering…
The 2024 Rankine Memorial Lecture Steam cleaning our environment - Using Steam Turbines to achieve genuine sustainability
29th October 2024 6:30 pm
Boris Johnson said at COP 26 that steam turbines were ‘Doomsday machines’. Wrong!
They currently generate 85% of the world’s electricity and will do for the foreseeable future.
Ian will give an introduction to how…
James Watt Dinner 2024!
4th October 2024 7:00 pm
The annual James Watt Dinner hosted by the Institution of Engineers in Scotland is a celebration of all engineering combined with entertainment.
Held (almost) annually since 1882, 2024 will be our 114th dinner!
Guests are…
Presidential Address - Tales from the Riverbank - Experience of building and operating an intensive commercial ferry service in Scotland
24th September 2024 6:30 pm
Ferries are a hot topic at present. Graeme explains the crucial importance of ‘keeping it simple’ in the engineering and purchasing of ferries in relation to the 50 years of operation of Western Ferries, who operate the Gourock –…
IES - The World’s First Civil Engineer! A celebration of Smeaton’s Engineering
4th June 2024 5:00 pm
June 2024 marks the 300th year since the birth of John Smeaton.
Prof. George Fleming FRENG, FRSE and recent president of the Smeatonian
Society will describe Smeaton’s work and why it is still relevant today.
IES - AGM and short presentations
17th April 2024 5:00 pm
Visit/AGM/Presentation/Social Evening
Wednesday 17th April 2024
To round off our lecture programme we have a great evening planned:
IES - Hedgehog or Fox? The new Engineer and the old Philosopher – exploring ethics in 2024
16th April 2024 6:30 pm
The new Engineer and the old Philosopher: Hedgehog or Fox?
Ethics in engineering is assuming an increasingly important role. Codes of conduct have always been a central aspect of the engineering profession and…
IES - Batteries – the inside story!
5th March 2024 6:30 pm
In just a few decades batteries have gone from something for which almost no one gave a second thought to a technology critical to the functioning of our society and the future of humanity.
The transformation reflects the hunger…
IES - Building perimeters – the multi-disciplinary work of façade engineers
6th February 2024 6:30 pm
Gavin Kerr will describe façade engineering and it’s (little known) importance in our daily lives.
Gavin will discuss real-life projects, the challenges in finding the best solution for the client and the building user whilst…
IES and IMarEST Joint Meeting - The Future of Fabrication within (and beyond) Scotland
16th January 2024 6:30 pm
Chris Dunn, Managing Director and Jonathan Brown, Technical Director, both of Malin Marine Consultants, will be shining a spotlight on to the future of fabrication within (and beyond) Scotland. With high fabrication expectations…
IES - Following Nature’s lead - Bioinspired technologies
5th December 2023 6:30 pm
Joint Lecture IES/RINA
Professor Adam A. Stokes explores the multidisciplinary field of bioinspired engineering, demonstrating how engineers can draw valuable insights from natural processes refined over millions of years. His…
IES - Crossed Lines – Key strategic lessons learned from the completion of the Crossrail project
14th November 2023 6:00 pm
This lecture will tell the compelling story of completing Crossrail and getting the Elizabeth Line open.
Mark Wild will describe and explain how the programme found itself in significant disarray and trouble after years of…
IES - What have mathematicians ever done for us?
24th October 2023 6:30 pm
This talk will discuss how mathematical and statistical thinking have been able to help in addressing real world questions, particularly within current ‘hot topics’ of energy security, climate resilience and wider public policy. It will…
James Watt Dinner 2023!
6th October 2023 7:00 pm
We are very pleased to announce details for the James Watt Dinner 2023!
The dinner has been held (almost) annually since 1882, 2023 will be our 112th dinner!
All welcome - guests can come as individuals, groups of friends…
IES - hybrid event - Injecting new life in our existing buildings – the sustainable solution to meet the ambitious carbon target
18th April 2023 6:30 pm
This will be a joint event between IES and IStructE
This talk will look at the science and practice of sustainably retrofitting existing buildings and will be illustrated with real life examples.
Steve is a Director who…
IES - hybrid event - Quantum Computing - how to build a REALLY cool computer
14th March 2023 6:30 pm
Computers are everywhere: in phones, cars, toasters, on the moon, in orbit, leaving the solar system, running the internet, keeping track of your money, deliveries, the NHS. Every year we are urged to upgrade to the latest, fastest…
IES - hybrid event - Eliminating the performance gap : Engineering value : Reducing energy: Minimising carbon
14th February 2023 6:30 pm
That new buildings too often consume many times more energy in reality than their designers predict at design stage – known as the “performance gap” - is a scandal.
This lecture will outline Architype’s radical approach to…
IES - hybrid event -Helping turn the tide on climate change.
10th January 2023 6:30 pm
Orbital Marine Power have developed a highly innovative technology capable of creating a new renewable energy sector focused on the sustainable extraction of the kinetic energy present in flowing currents and tidal streams. This talk…
IES and RINA Joint Meeting
20th December 2022 6:00 pm
“How do we Decarbonise shipping” – An engaging Panel Conversation on the challenges associated with making Green Shipping a reality.
Confirmed Panellists: Neil Young (Babcock International) and Prof. Osman Turan (Uni. of…